Monday, December 26, 2011


Pregnancy is one of those things in like that is wonderful and amazing and fun! also makes you very very sleepy! lol! I am finally getting over the sleepy side of it and now I have all this energy and I do not know what to do with it! so I am officially starting a 4 month blog of craft ideas!! I am using pinterest, so those of you who are on there if I am using your idea and post it to my blog, I want to thank you ahead of time!!! I have some really good ideas also on my own without pinterest lol! For most of you reading, this is a fair warning that most ideas posted will be baby ideas! so everyday I will post little tid bits of what I am doing but at the end of (hopefully) every week I will have a craft completed to show, some crafts may take longer so at the very least at the end of every month! so have fun reading and I hope this give you inspiration in the new year to be a crafty do it yourself wife and mommy! :-) 

God Bless!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

No other gods

     This new study I started through church called no other Gods is really putting daily activity into perspective and I thought I would share. First of all it has only been 1 week so far and I can already tell how much I am going to get out of it!
     This first week was really focused on deciphering the difference between a professed god and a functioning god. so for starters a professed God is whom you call your God, what you are "worshipping" and a functioning God is what you are actually serving. So an example, you say that God our one and only is your professed God but how much of your daily functioning activites are you are actually serving your professed God?
     So this so me was something I have never thought of this way I mean I always love God and want to do good for him, but then I started thinking back to all the other things I worshipped. I remember being in a relationhip with a guy and changing everything about myself in hopes he wouldnt cheat on me again. How was I serving my God while actually serving what this guy wanted of me? Then I started thinking more closely as to in my current life and in my marriage we serve God together I do not have to change or do anything for my husand, we both serve God. That being said, after both miscarriages I think getting pregnant is serving as a functioning God for me. I am so consumed with getting pregnant and wondering if I am pregnant.
     So, last night I did some in depth soul searching, and I decided it is time to give our pregnancy 100% to God ,I always give it to Him and then take it back to worry about it some more, when in reality it is completely out of my control, God is the only one who can make sure my husband and I have a healthy pregnancy. I have decided to spend the time I used to spend worrying about prengnancy on something more productive, something to serve him, weather it be reading more into His word or serving His people. somehow I think I can do this and find a better way to serve my professed God, and give up on my functioning God.
     The biggest lesson I learned this week in this study is that even something good can become a false idol. you can love reading but once you start reading too much and it consumes your being and it is all you can think about you have put it before the real God. so my challenge for you this week is to put aside any "funcioning Gods" you have and spend the extra time doing something for Gods kingdom rather than your own. Good Luck!! But I think in the next week you are going to feel God's love and presense so much that it will be worth it!
     XOXO Kara

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Being yourself

While at church today they read a verse that really caught my attention, this is something I think that should not be taken lightly.

Romans 12:2
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- His good, pleasing and perfect will. "

This is such a powerful statement if you break it down. Think of all the things we do and say on a daily basis, there are things I have done in my past that I felt were ok because "everyone was doing it", so I made the excuse that it must be ok. Can you imagine what a world would be like if no one followed the crowd, no one said hurtful things to other just because they think it is funny. well this really got me thinking and even with how corrupt things and people are now adays, I really think there are some people in this world who have it right.

When we went through out miscarriages it was so hard because some people who are your friends do not know what to day, so in turn they say the wrong thing, and they say the wrong thing because other people in today's time within medicine make miscarriages so common that everyone acts like it is nothing. Did you kow that in some cultures even a miscarriage as early as your first trimester receive a funeral ceremony and a wake. However with my husbands help we healed how we needed to, and those few friends who really shined through and told me all of the things in God's word I needed to hear really made me remember that there are some people out there who are good and try to be the best person for God they can be.

So all in all it just made me think of those few people in my life who really are the shining light who I feel have it as right with God as they can in this life, and this passage made it all clear, that just because society says one thing you should really evealute what you are doing and renew yourself, to make the best decisions!

XOXO Kara <3

Friday, July 8, 2011

getting to know me

well hello! Thank you so much for checking out my blog page, writing things down in a sort of journal style has always been my way to express myself, so today when I went to get a massage from an ld friend and she started talking about her blog it gave me some inspiration to do the same!

    My name is Kara I am 24 years old, I am married to a wonderful husband he is a firefighter so a lot of the things i post on here will be stuff I do when I am bored while he is working LoL! We have two chihuahua's one is names Ray and he is 4 and the other is named Bella and she is 1! I work as a radiology technologist and now as a mammography Technologist. I Love my career!
     So for the most part life is great! My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for about a year now, we have had 2 miscarriages this year so this little journal here is going to be my outlet, and God willng maybe a way to help other women who have experienced miscarriage cope a little and know someone ese has been there! ok ok enough sad stuff
     I have an inspiring thought for the day! For today I want everyone reading to try and do one thing for me, do not let the stresses of life overtake your mood, everything happens for a reason so for today let's try and stay positive and excited for all the upcoming weekend has in store for us! If this is hard for you I know something that can help, a mocha coconut frappicino from starbucks and a little 311 music, 311 is my fav band and that is where my blog title ws inspired from, it is the name of one of their songs and it has always sounded like the description of myself :-) well I hope you all enjoy! have a wonderful friday ad good luck on the attempt to not be stressed out!