Wednesday, September 21, 2011

No other gods

     This new study I started through church called no other Gods is really putting daily activity into perspective and I thought I would share. First of all it has only been 1 week so far and I can already tell how much I am going to get out of it!
     This first week was really focused on deciphering the difference between a professed god and a functioning god. so for starters a professed God is whom you call your God, what you are "worshipping" and a functioning God is what you are actually serving. So an example, you say that God our one and only is your professed God but how much of your daily functioning activites are you are actually serving your professed God?
     So this so me was something I have never thought of this way I mean I always love God and want to do good for him, but then I started thinking back to all the other things I worshipped. I remember being in a relationhip with a guy and changing everything about myself in hopes he wouldnt cheat on me again. How was I serving my God while actually serving what this guy wanted of me? Then I started thinking more closely as to in my current life and in my marriage we serve God together I do not have to change or do anything for my husand, we both serve God. That being said, after both miscarriages I think getting pregnant is serving as a functioning God for me. I am so consumed with getting pregnant and wondering if I am pregnant.
     So, last night I did some in depth soul searching, and I decided it is time to give our pregnancy 100% to God ,I always give it to Him and then take it back to worry about it some more, when in reality it is completely out of my control, God is the only one who can make sure my husband and I have a healthy pregnancy. I have decided to spend the time I used to spend worrying about prengnancy on something more productive, something to serve him, weather it be reading more into His word or serving His people. somehow I think I can do this and find a better way to serve my professed God, and give up on my functioning God.
     The biggest lesson I learned this week in this study is that even something good can become a false idol. you can love reading but once you start reading too much and it consumes your being and it is all you can think about you have put it before the real God. so my challenge for you this week is to put aside any "funcioning Gods" you have and spend the extra time doing something for Gods kingdom rather than your own. Good Luck!! But I think in the next week you are going to feel God's love and presense so much that it will be worth it!
     XOXO Kara

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