Friday, July 8, 2011

getting to know me

well hello! Thank you so much for checking out my blog page, writing things down in a sort of journal style has always been my way to express myself, so today when I went to get a massage from an ld friend and she started talking about her blog it gave me some inspiration to do the same!

    My name is Kara I am 24 years old, I am married to a wonderful husband he is a firefighter so a lot of the things i post on here will be stuff I do when I am bored while he is working LoL! We have two chihuahua's one is names Ray and he is 4 and the other is named Bella and she is 1! I work as a radiology technologist and now as a mammography Technologist. I Love my career!
     So for the most part life is great! My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for about a year now, we have had 2 miscarriages this year so this little journal here is going to be my outlet, and God willng maybe a way to help other women who have experienced miscarriage cope a little and know someone ese has been there! ok ok enough sad stuff
     I have an inspiring thought for the day! For today I want everyone reading to try and do one thing for me, do not let the stresses of life overtake your mood, everything happens for a reason so for today let's try and stay positive and excited for all the upcoming weekend has in store for us! If this is hard for you I know something that can help, a mocha coconut frappicino from starbucks and a little 311 music, 311 is my fav band and that is where my blog title ws inspired from, it is the name of one of their songs and it has always sounded like the description of myself :-) well I hope you all enjoy! have a wonderful friday ad good luck on the attempt to not be stressed out!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for all things Kara! So happy to see you today. Take care little twin :)
