Monday, December 26, 2011


Pregnancy is one of those things in like that is wonderful and amazing and fun! also makes you very very sleepy! lol! I am finally getting over the sleepy side of it and now I have all this energy and I do not know what to do with it! so I am officially starting a 4 month blog of craft ideas!! I am using pinterest, so those of you who are on there if I am using your idea and post it to my blog, I want to thank you ahead of time!!! I have some really good ideas also on my own without pinterest lol! For most of you reading, this is a fair warning that most ideas posted will be baby ideas! so everyday I will post little tid bits of what I am doing but at the end of (hopefully) every week I will have a craft completed to show, some crafts may take longer so at the very least at the end of every month! so have fun reading and I hope this give you inspiration in the new year to be a crafty do it yourself wife and mommy! :-) 

God Bless!